Tuesday, December 3, 2013

There's something going on in the black community

     Black Guys are telling 'dark-skinned girls' that they don't date them, quoted,

 "I don't date dark-skinned girls". 

 I've heard this a couple of times from some younger girls that I know, several times on fb.  What is going on in the minds of these young black guys out here? Is it the perception out here?  Does it come from TV, or music, or is it word on the street? There's hardly any black girls on TV playing the role of "sexy girlfriend" or the "it" girl. Perhaps a sister or a mother or the silly best friend...but rarely ever portrayed as the image everybody wants.  What does this do for the self-esteem? How are dark-skinned girls supposed to view themselves as the goal to reach for? This saddens my heart. It grieves me so. We fought this battle before. Why, again, amongst our own men? This is not "sooo" much about black guys choosing to interracially date, but about the disdain of their own women. Something needs to be done about this? Can we promote something different? 
Why should it ever come out of a black man's mouth that he doesn't date dark-skinned women or that he "just thinks white women" are better. Something is wrong there. We need to get it back out there in the air that black women, and dark-skinned black women, are a beauty to be had. If we could just lift this standard up before our black men….in the TV, the radio, wherever perceptions are shaped. It may not be realized but it is an exhortation to black men.  
 This would weigh heavy enough on the hearts of all black women, but particularly young ones, who are going through tough enough adolescence and don't need the extra insecurities of feeling unwanted by their own men because of the shade of their skin.  How could they ever change that? This will surely pay a long-term effect.  What will they look to for husbands?

I feel we should promote our black men 
and the shaping of their minds 
so that they will understand where their perceptions should be coming from..AND that it is not "unusual" to date a dark-skinned woman or a black girl.  If there is something that they need from us maybe they can let us know. Maybe we can work on it. So desperately needed. 

Check out the video 

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