Read a few of the latest news regarding Al Sharpton, nothing bad or defaming. However, even though I am familiar with the name and some of his work, I couldn't help but sort out some things regarding the Reverend Al Sharpton, at least for mind's sake.
Al Sharpton, has proven invaluable to many issues in the black community. He stood loyal in one of the most recent issues--The Trayvon Martin case. The Rev has apparently been preaching since age 4 and is an active part of the church world. The Rev is also extremely active in politics, particularly black politics.
Admittedly, I am impressed with a lot of the work the Rev Al Sharpton has set his hand to and the burden he carries for social justice.
But,........ Mr. Reverend Al Sharpton, may I have a word with you?
For as much as I know, your foundation has been gospel based, and you have acknowledged being active in a religion that doesn't support some of the things "you do".
My religion does not support homosexuality, but I do. I was asked why I was supporting and marching with the homosexuals in parades, when according to the church, homosexuality is a sin . (
Your reasoning was that,
God gave people free will. God gave people the right to choose-even to choose sin.You have spoken a lot on separating church and state. This seems to be your political stance. But, Mr. Sharpton, I would like you to understand that you ARE a direct representation of church and state in ONE.
You are church. You are state.
How could not a man's church convictions affect his heart in matters of all things, including the state?
To separate them would mean, inevitably, that one would either have to be a half-hearted christian or a half-hearted politician. Most politicians follow after their convictions, this is why they are voted as REPRESENTATIVES to uphold those convictions, whatever they are, voted for or against, by the people.
To not take a stance as a politician makes you weak.
To not take a stance as a christian makes you weak.
So which is it? Where do you stand?
This is not a means to put you down Mr. Al Sharpton, but rather an appeal to tell us the truth.
What do you believe in?
Not that I may judge you.... But that I may choose rather or not to support you.
Do you uphold the views of your religion or not?
Do you uphold the views of your state or not?
You quoted,
That's why there is a heaven and a hell. So I will fight for people to have the right to go to hell if that's what they choose.Is that what you believe in?
.... I have never heard that from a sincere christian heart before.
Mr. Sharpton, it is because you are a leader, that I question you. A leader has a responsibility to the people. I question not as an insubordinate, but as a wise one who ponders the path of their feet. I want to look wise unto where I am going. I want to know who I am supporting.
Mr. Al Sharpton, I would like to know, do you believe or no?
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