How important is "the name of Jesus"?
How powerful. How marvelous. How wonderful is the name of Jesus.-- Best answer,
There is no other name given among men under heaven whereby we must be saved.
While pulling out at the intersection suddenly, blindly hit and impacted by the oncoming car sending me in circles, and I called out "Jesus. Jesus, Jesus" and my car stopped before hitting the electric pole. It was REAL important that day.
Why, of all the other names and all the other gods, is the name of Jesus the only one persecuted? Why is Jesus the only God persecuted, for our sins, on the cross, and yet still 2000+ years later the name of Jesus stands strong. People challenge it. People defame it. The Lord Jesus our God. God has given us a name that people have been healed by. God has given us a name that people have been saved by. God has given us a name that people have been delivered by. God has given us a name that pardons our iniquities and forgives our sins . "The name of Jesus."
How important is it? Try it, you'll see.
would be made perfect. Jesus said if I call on His name, He would come to save me. No matter what contradictory you have or find, " the name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe." It requires faith. To the believer the name of the Lord Jesus is hail worthy. Tried and true. To the unbeliever, it may be just another name. Jesus did not many works in the city of his own people because of their unbelief.
It is true, that faith in "the name of Jesus" will grant you power.
Peter said, "Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ rise up and walk".
When we call on Jesus' name he stands as our defense attorney.
This is the importance of the name of the Lord Jesus,
it is
the only name
that God has given us
that comes and save us.
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