Poll: How important do you believe "the name of Jesus" is?
Part I
Posed this same question on Quora. I got some pretty good answers.
Best one yet,
We know that Jesus is the only mediator between God and man and woman. Each person can approach God personally and individually because Jesus died and rose again. This is unlike the old covenant, and even some Christian worship today, where people expected a priest to also mediate between God and them, by offering sacrifices, teaching the scriptures, and performing other rituals.
When we pray, since Jesus is our mediator, we can envision ourselves approaching God because of the merit and love of Christ. Picture yourself walking into the throne room of the God of the Universe, and Jesus is the one who has opened the door.
Further, when we pray things like "in the name of Jesus," what we are actually doing is speaking to God in Jesus' name, as if what we're saying is the prayer of Jesus himself. In monarchical times, when a messenger would speak in the name of the King, people understood it as coming from the King Himself. In the same way, when we say "in Jesus' name," it is as if Jesus himself actually is bringing our words before God. Because He is!
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So, I'm looking for new best answer.
How important do you believe "the name of Jesus" is?
If you don't know, share this to someone who you think might. Looking for good answers.
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