Sunday, December 29, 2013
Who Really Loves You, Dear Hip-hop. .
Dear Hip-hop Generation,
I love you, and although you may not want to receive these words, I pray sincerely that you will. I write you again because it is time, and it’s what I do. I write. And I read. And I reach out despite the risk of harsh and evil forces and opinions of opposition. Regardless of any that come against this, I write…and this is what’s on my heart – you. My love, I begat this conversation reflecting on an interview I read. The interviewed was a rapper; up and coming, just beginning to live out his dreams and goals; a rapper many admired and loved and urged on; a rapper…who is now deceased. His interview disturbed me. See, this particular rapper was shot once before, prior to his recent death. But he survived. During his interview, the young man stated that since the shooting, and the giving of a second chance, he had been going hard with the music. In fact, he acknowledged that because of the near death experience, he had committed himself to the music with more urgency and sufficiency than ever before! Like, because he’d lived, it was time to give his “all” to the music. Not to God and the real purpose on his life…but to the music. Why? Because he felt that the music was all he had to do. As if, to write and perform hip-hop music to an already lost and dying generation was his calling. Sad. Sickening. Scary. His words – and now death – hurt my heart on a level that I can hardly express. To the core of my being, and from the Spirit which is my inner truth, I know full well that rapping derogatorily for fame, money, women, fun, and any other glamorous cause was not why his life was spared the first time. Perhaps, his life and others similar were spared initially because God loved them so much that he wanted to give him/them another opportunity…and more time to get it right. Not rap. Not hug and love their relatives. Not labor for notoriety and leave an imprint of “self” on the generation. But to simply get it right – as in, gain salvation. And make it into the kingdom of God. Period.
My hip-hop generation, so many people lie to you. They tell you that they love you. They tell you to jump on the bandwagon and “come this way…because our way is right”. They tell you that you can do exactly and whatever it is that you want…and it’s cool; all the sinning is okay with a holy God. They tell you how Jesus died for our sins, so therefore, do what you want. What they don’t tell you is how every time you willfully sin you re-crucify Christ and there is no longer any grace for that type of behavior. They skip telling you Hebrews 10:26 ~ For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sin. They fail to mention how before Jesus went to the Cross in love, he preached repentance! People fail to share with you those truths – that truth that grandmothers and elders spoke of and experienced; that truth that you have heard of and reverenced since your youth. Now, they just glorify and worship the music – and usher you in that direction as if that direction is the way, the truth, and the life. You must recognize this. Remember, Satan was the most beautiful and alluring of all the angels…and he was over what?! So what makes you think he does not have his hand in all of this deception today? His plot is simple. He wants you caught up in delusion until – one day – that fateful day, when the lights go out, and your time is up. Then, it is too late. So hear now, and put your pride away, and really take a closer look – because Satan – through these high-ranking artists out here – he's blatantly telling you to bow down. He’s using them to cast spells on you that you cannot see or notice. But that is just one side of the game. On the other, there are those underground artists who really want to make it and become celebrities and stars or even just gain the fame of social networks or whatever their reason is, so they dismiss the truth and make up their own version of thetruth so that they can continue to serve their gods. They say things like, “I’m married to the music.” Or they say, “God did this for me.” And they’re serious. They cannot see or perceive that God is not of corruption; so if the music is corrupt then guess what…he ain’t feeling you! And, please know, he is not fond of you putting Him on hold so that you can pursue music… and he surely does not agree with you leading other souls to Hell. I’m sorry, but according to Scripture, God is not in that. The devil is. If you are not using your talent to lead souls to Heaven then you’re leading them to Hell. That’s how He sees it…according to the Bible – no exceptions. Again, people are lying to you. I tell you, they do not love you. If they loved you, they would tell you the truth. That truth being: Music is not your Savior. It can not block that bullet from taking your life. And it can not save your soul or your friends’ souls from eternal damnation. You have to understand, this generation now is the most deceived of all generations. And I wondered and I wondered and wondered why, so I asked God. Then I opened the Bible and the Lord showed me this Scripture… Thessalonians 2:10-11…
…because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.
That’s deep.
My love, are not many proclaiming Jesus as their Lord but yet have not applied his Word to their hearts and his commandments to their lives? Do not many people feel they can serve two masters – both God and Satan? Are not many charming God with their mouths yet living the ways of sin and Satan with their lives? Has the enemy not deceived them so much – and God allowed it because of their inner rebellion and refusal of salvation – that they really truly cannot see and tell the truth?
…that they should believe a lie.
I add and close with this: My love, ignore the media and the spirits arising in many to portray the church as fallen or as the enemy as to keep you away and send you into battle against Zion. For the spirit of the Anti-Christ is in the world. He has set up fake churches and preachers – wolves in sheep clothing – all of this to throw you off. All to stir hatred in your heart. All to harden your heart. But ask God for wisdom, because just like all black people are not bad as portrayed, neither are all churches. There are many churches who are right – and who are being forced into the underground – and for your sake, pray for their strength, because they…we…are the real Zion; the church that Jesus speaks of and dwells with, where souls are saved, and the gospel is preached, and blind eyes are opened, and the deaf do hear. Angels and miracles…things you've learned of since a child…they still do exist. These things are your inheritance. Not music. Not fame. Not self-gratification. But the Kingdom and the things of God, this is the gift to you from Him.
Hold on to this message which I write you.
And know, I write you always out of love. Real love…but, it’s for you to discern and receive.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Contest. What would you say back? "It's Not The Same- Jah Orah & KD Assassin ft MC923"

Thank you @Lizzie Vegas for taking the challenge and yet keeping it soft and in perspective. Best one yet. Read the verse below in the comments. Thank you for speaking.
updated 2/06/14.
Do you have an ex? Old flame? baby....father?
This song is so dope, but there's two sides to every story. Imagine if your ex was singing this song to you. How would you feel? What would you say back? Listen to the song below and reply back to it. Doesn't have to be negative. Just looking for the other side of the story. Best version.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Feedback. black girls. dark-skinned.
Alright ladies (and gents listening), so here's feedback from a couple of our guys, substantial words to consider. My word to the women.......we shall have our talk later. There is much that needs to be considered in light of ourselves. For now, check out the feedback from these guys regarding dating (or not dating) black or dark-skinned women.
--- Personally I love dark skinned women...always have, just wasn't my 1st choice when it came to dating due to my following the 'trend' set by pop culture. During the civil rights struggle, Black was beautiful...til the powers that be did everything they could to prove otherwise, add to that the re-enforcement of the Willie Lynch syndrome and the invention of color TV. Change, if any, can come only by education of the youth on content of character, the origins of complexions, and love of self...who we were before we were slaves. Kids don't decide who to play with based on color...the hate is taught (
- - - -- female beauty is highly valued, and beauty standards disproportionately (particularly on a global scale) favor white women.
I can only speak from the perspective of a black male who grew up in white suburbs and attended a predominately white/asian school, but I can tell you a bit about where this thinking comes from with that background.
If you grew up in a white community like I did, just about *everyone* puts white women on a pedestal. That means if you're a black male, all of your white and asian male friends talk about are the pretty white girls in the school or the white female celebrities in the media. I'm going to argue that the few black males in my K-12 education have literally been brainwashed into believing that white females are the golden standard of beauty.
white women are seen as much intelligent, proper, elegant, classy than women of color, so snagging one is a positive reflection on black dudes because obviously this means they're not like those other hoodlums.
And having grown up in that environment, I was told all of my life that I was one of the “ intelligent, proper, elegant, classy” black males and not like those “other” black males who have weird names and talk “gangsta”. So it must have been only appropriate that I seek out and date white girls right? Now I **absolutely hate** that I used to think this way.
Long story short, a lot has changed in my psyche on this matter since attending college. I no longer date white women or any other race for that matter for reasons I will repeat from another comment I made:
[I do not date or sleep with white women either. It has little to do with attraction. I find beauty in all races of women, although I prefer black women. It has everything to do with culture and politics. The fact that I am, without apology, pro-black and the current state of race relations in this country does not justify a relationship with a white woman in my mind. Most of all, there is no greater supporter to black men than black women. And I will honor that.](
A couple of words that stood out~
from feedback (1) - "The trend set by pop culture" and "change, if any, can come only by education of the youth on content of character, the origins of complexions, and love of self...". Can't express enough to you how important the education of the youth is on these things that matter.
from feedback (2) - "it has little to do with attraction. I find beauty in all races of women.... it has everything to do with culture and politics" and "there is no greater supporter to black men than black women. And I will honor that." Powerful realizations. I cannot even expound on this statement because it is so full. To understand the reality that attraction (to any race) doesn't determine the choice you take and the other factors to be considered.
I want so much to uplift our men, all of them, but targeting our black men because they seem to be so lost, not all, but a lot. If we could get them to think smarter and more responsibly, what a great difference this would make. Am I delusional for wanting or even expecting this? Can I get you to please understand some things....
Check out the answer back video to the first video "Look at me".
'Look at me: the answer back'
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
There's something going on in the black community
Black Guys are telling 'dark-skinned girls' that they
don't date them, quoted,
"I don't date dark-skinned girls".
I've heard this a couple of times from some younger girls that I know, several times on fb. What is going on in the minds of these young black guys out here? Is it the perception out here? Does it come from TV, or music, or is it word on the street? There's hardly any black girls on TV playing the role of "sexy girlfriend" or the "it" girl. Perhaps a sister or a mother or the silly best friend...but rarely ever portrayed as the image everybody wants. What does this do for the self-esteem? How are dark-skinned girls supposed to view themselves as the goal to reach for? This saddens my heart. It grieves me so. We fought this battle before. Why, again, amongst our own men? This is not "sooo" much about black guys choosing to interracially date, but about the disdain of their own women. Something needs to be done about this? Can we promote something different?
Why should it ever come out of a black man's mouth that he doesn't date
dark-skinned women or that he "just thinks white women" are better.
Something is wrong there. We need to get it back out there in the air that
black women, and dark-skinned black women, are a beauty to be had. If we could
just lift this standard up before our black men….in the TV, the radio, wherever
perceptions are shaped. It may not be realized but it is an exhortation to
black men.

I feel we should promote our
black men
and the shaping of their minds
so that they will understand where
their perceptions should be coming from..AND that it is not "unusual"
to date a dark-skinned woman or a black girl. If there is something that they need from
us maybe they can let us know. Maybe we can work on it. So desperately needed.
Check out the video
Friday, November 29, 2013
What is your best source of wisdom?
What is your best source of wisdom?
Does it come from a book, a person, an old wives fable, tradition? Where do you go when you need insight of wisdom?
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
What in the world is going on?
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Jada's controversial quote: "We must not belong to the obedient… we must belong to our truth." |
I watched the bio and gathered my thoughts. I have a lot of respect for Malcolm. He was a devout man with passion and drive. Malcolm was sincere to his cause. Though we don't serve the same God, I admire him.
Yes, I am aware that there were attempts. But, the difference is that the man who dealt with Malcolm's conversion took time to work with Malcolm. Malcolm was no easy catch, because Malcolm was no "jive turkey", so to speak. However, this man dedicated a part of himself to work through Malcolm's conversion. And what a conversion it was. Malcolm went from dating "white women" and burglarizing to a total mindset that doesn't allow it. Why, because of his change of heart. Malcolm's understanding, which lies in the heart truthfully, had been enlightened. Real conversion does just that; it changes the heart and the understanding. Thus, Malcolm became one of the most vital voices of his religion at that time. Wow! Admittedly, I wish it would've been a christian who had worked to rescue and convert Malcolm from his old thoughts....perhaps he'd have saw the loyalty and beauty he sought in Jesus. However, it is with this thought in mind, that I must remember that the outward surface of a person, or initial rejection, does not determine where a person's heart truly lies.
Recently, there's a stir around Jada Pinkett Smith's facebook post, quoting,
"We are born with our souls, but it is through our experiences in life that we are given the opportunity to discover the paths needed to develop the self. In order to do this we must not belong to the obedient... we must belong to our truth,"The stir was due to the ending words of that statement. My interpretation of the statement, in one word..... REBEL (the verb). In other words, "don't just adhere to what you're told is right. DO (belong to) what you know is right (your truth).
This is a well thought out quote.
While Christians may not like it, there will be a day when the things that are taught to be right will go against Christianity. Then, Christianity will be the rebel cause, because it is what we know is right. We have to think about these things.
Problem is, this statement made by Jada has a false bottom. It sounds good. It looks good. But it won't hold up. In other words, it won't ultimately work. For Christians, it is in error to the bible. The very statement of not obeying is defiant to scripture. The bible strictly teaches us to obey...... but, SOUND DOCTRINE..This is the key.
If everyone follows their own truth, how will we ever be right?
Suppose we not care about being right?
Suppose we not care about how we affect each other?
Suppose every man do what's right to him?
This could never be reality. What about Charles Manson, the suicide bombers, and people of the like? Weren't these people all doing what they thought was right? You may say, "well, those people are sick". I say, "well, aren't a lot of us?" Those people are us, left unchained; no internal governing power to prevent them from their deeds, which were evil. Left to do what felt right in their hearts. Left to their own truths.
Well, what if your heart is wrong?
What if your truth is wrong?
Who can correct you?
This is chaotic. Which is where we're at.
So, you want a choice? You want to choose? There's nothing wrong with that. A wise man looks well to his going. God gives us choice and it is yours. Just know that all things that seem true, aren't true. How can you put that much confidence in yourself? We NEED a higher power. We NEED something to obey.
So, to Miss Jada, I want to encourage you. I like your statement because one day I may have to apply that advice. I may have to rebel. I don't know the intent of your heart behind your post. But it seems to promote a 'self-truth', however, life is so much bigger than ourselves. There can only be one truth.
There is nothing wrong in searching out that truth, but once you find it...BUY IT. It is of precious life.
Buy the truth, sell it not. Proverbs 23:23
I will not appease the crowd by saying that there are all truths.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Love belongs to me.
Love is one of God's wonders
Love is powerful and Louder than thunder
There is no gold, no diamond, no pearl,
that can stand face to face to stop love's whirl
Why can't we find it?
Why is it not there?
Why are love's games always so unfair?
I don't want to play love,
nor try to prevent it
The times that I said it,
I really felt I meant it
Is life against it?
Why the constant fight?
Why can't things in love just ever be right?
There's a constant enemy whose eye is always watching
whose hand is always mad
who's band is always marching.
No, his powers are not greater
but he doesn't know much shame
this wildebeest ungodly is something quite to tame
then God says~
Love belongs to me
can't you see?
I'm always pouring it out
Always giving it out for free
You soak it in every day
You walk in my love to stay
You tap into my heart
every time you pray
Why can't you see love?
Love's not superficial
Love's not hiding from you
There is no secret mission
In everything there is Love~
Just fall for it.
In love, there is faith
Without it, you couldn't see it
if it were right in front of your face
What do you believe in?
In everything there is love~
I sent love for Adam
but I loved Adam first
I sent my love to man when I filled him
with the earth.
Love's spirit, it comes from meFor I am love,
and I give love.
Never should you doubt
that I, God, can send you love
For Love is me.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Part 2 of "The Name of Jesus" poll
How important is "the name of Jesus"?
How powerful. How marvelous. How wonderful is the name of Jesus.-- Best answer,
There is no other name given among men under heaven whereby we must be saved.
While pulling out at the intersection suddenly, blindly hit and impacted by the oncoming car sending me in circles, and I called out "Jesus. Jesus, Jesus" and my car stopped before hitting the electric pole. It was REAL important that day.
Why, of all the other names and all the other gods, is the name of Jesus the only one persecuted? Why is Jesus the only God persecuted, for our sins, on the cross, and yet still 2000+ years later the name of Jesus stands strong. People challenge it. People defame it. The Lord Jesus our God. God has given us a name that people have been healed by. God has given us a name that people have been saved by. God has given us a name that people have been delivered by. God has given us a name that pardons our iniquities and forgives our sins . "The name of Jesus."
How important is it? Try it, you'll see.
would be made perfect. Jesus said if I call on His name, He would come to save me. No matter what contradictory you have or find, " the name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe." It requires faith. To the believer the name of the Lord Jesus is hail worthy. Tried and true. To the unbeliever, it may be just another name. Jesus did not many works in the city of his own people because of their unbelief.
It is true, that faith in "the name of Jesus" will grant you power.
Peter said, "Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ rise up and walk".
When we call on Jesus' name he stands as our defense attorney.
This is the importance of the name of the Lord Jesus,
it is
the only name
that God has given us
that comes and save us.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Poll: How important do you believe "the name of Jesus" is?
Part I
Follow Kay Themushblog on Quora
So, I'm looking for new best answer.
Posed this same question on Quora. I got some pretty good answers.
Best one yet,
We know that Jesus is the only mediator between God and man and woman. Each person can approach God personally and individually because Jesus died and rose again. This is unlike the old covenant, and even some Christian worship today, where people expected a priest to also mediate between God and them, by offering sacrifices, teaching the scriptures, and performing other rituals.
When we pray, since Jesus is our mediator, we can envision ourselves approaching God because of the merit and love of Christ. Picture yourself walking into the throne room of the God of the Universe, and Jesus is the one who has opened the door.
Further, when we pray things like "in the name of Jesus," what we are actually doing is speaking to God in Jesus' name, as if what we're saying is the prayer of Jesus himself. In monarchical times, when a messenger would speak in the name of the King, people understood it as coming from the King Himself. In the same way, when we say "in Jesus' name," it is as if Jesus himself actually is bringing our words before God. Because He is!
Follow Kay Themushblog on Quora
So, I'm looking for new best answer.
How important do you believe "the name of Jesus" is?
If you don't know, share this to someone who you think might. Looking for good answers.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Dear Mr. Al Sharpton,.. May I have a word with you?
Read a few of the latest news regarding Al Sharpton, nothing bad or defaming. However, even though I am familiar with the name and some of his work, I couldn't help but sort out some things regarding the Reverend Al Sharpton, at least for mind's sake.
Al Sharpton, has proven invaluable to many issues in the black community. He stood loyal in one of the most recent issues--The Trayvon Martin case. The Rev has apparently been preaching since age 4 and is an active part of the church world. The Rev is also extremely active in politics, particularly black politics.
Admittedly, I am impressed with a lot of the work the Rev Al Sharpton has set his hand to and the burden he carries for social justice.
But,........ Mr. Reverend Al Sharpton, may I have a word with you?
For as much as I know, your foundation has been gospel based, and you have acknowledged being active in a religion that doesn't support some of the things "you do".
My religion does not support homosexuality, but I do. I was asked why I was supporting and marching with the homosexuals in parades, when according to the church, homosexuality is a sin . (
Your reasoning was that,
God gave people free will. God gave people the right to choose-even to choose sin.You have spoken a lot on separating church and state. This seems to be your political stance. But, Mr. Sharpton, I would like you to understand that you ARE a direct representation of church and state in ONE.
You are church. You are state.
How could not a man's church convictions affect his heart in matters of all things, including the state?
To separate them would mean, inevitably, that one would either have to be a half-hearted christian or a half-hearted politician. Most politicians follow after their convictions, this is why they are voted as REPRESENTATIVES to uphold those convictions, whatever they are, voted for or against, by the people.
To not take a stance as a politician makes you weak.
To not take a stance as a christian makes you weak.
So which is it? Where do you stand?
This is not a means to put you down Mr. Al Sharpton, but rather an appeal to tell us the truth.
What do you believe in?
Not that I may judge you.... But that I may choose rather or not to support you.
Do you uphold the views of your religion or not?
Do you uphold the views of your state or not?
You quoted,
That's why there is a heaven and a hell. So I will fight for people to have the right to go to hell if that's what they choose.Is that what you believe in?
.... I have never heard that from a sincere christian heart before.
Mr. Sharpton, it is because you are a leader, that I question you. A leader has a responsibility to the people. I question not as an insubordinate, but as a wise one who ponders the path of their feet. I want to look wise unto where I am going. I want to know who I am supporting.
Mr. Al Sharpton, I would like to know, do you believe or no?
Friday, November 15, 2013
Happy Friday. Have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy the link.
From one our blogger's post comments on "the most beautiful song you ever heard". Cheers to you Systematic Muzick Presents. Thanx for commenting. Enjoy the link.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Idiocracy. The state of the world?
In the movie, people don't use their minds. They're consumed with sex only,.. empty TV shows....literally. One scene, the on-screen movie was a man's bare bottom, and that was the ONLY content of the ENTIRE movie---no script, no change of screen nor scenery. It was just an entire movie of the same never changed. And the very crowded audience just sat there laughing..... at nothing. ?????? Lol.
I enjoyed this movie because it showed a world that had evolved into its poorest condition based on lack of mental use because people no longer cared to use their minds.
Do you feel this is where we are headed?
I mean, with TV shows all so similar to Love and Hip Hop, the Bad Girls club, even LA preachers, where else could we be headed?
When we no longer look for fulfilling content, but mindless television. We don't want our thoughts challenged or opposed, because that's "judging". We go hard after things that don't require too much effort of thinking or sorting out the morality of it. We watch things that go against what we believe, because we learn to accept it on our TV screens. We are desensitized to it, because we are constantly exposed to it. [And it's our choice]. We stand up for nothing. We let the TV convince our hearts of things we don't believe in. We fight for things that are not right....because we won't sort out the truth. We lead our lives based on emotion and not the facts. We no longer listen to what God says,...nor want to. We call His name in vain, and we've lost all reverence for the Lord. This is our mindset now.
An artist can repeat the exact same lines of chorus for an entire song, and we just groove to the beat, because we don't care. We're not looking for any content; just the feel good. We're not looking for any words of wisdom. Everybody follows their own opinion. We educate ourselves much, but with madness, hoping to improve our self-esteem. This is the way of the world. This is where we are going. This is where we have gone. We are just like the people in this movie. We just don't see it.
Proverbs quotes,
How long ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity
How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?
Welp.... Just thought I would put it out there. This was a good movie based on the concept. I find it to be relative to where we are headed with our current mindset if we don't muscle up some sort of change. Apply your minds young people, all people, to some better thing. Sort out what you listen to, what you will receive, what you will pay for. Pay attention to what you see, hear, and do. Jesus can help you. Sincerely yours.
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The president |
Themushblog saying, Have a good day.
Share this.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
"Why I left Hip-Hop". Genuine Salvation
The Article "Why I left Hip Hop". What a Beautiful piece. Moving.
Genuine Salvation.
Why I left Hip Hop is this author's story of how she found a new understanding, things were revealed to her and her eyes were opened to something she once thought was true, now it was a lie. She accepted that new understanding and what had been revealed to her through her heart and God's searching it. This is the most important part, that she accepted it once it was revealed to her heart.
Paul said,
When we begin to understand different, we see clearly. Though it may not all be clear to us at that point, things are now so clear to our understanding. I can see clearly now, our eyes have been opened. And it's like..."why didn't I know that at first".
This is what a new understanding does for us. It is then that we realize that what we thought we understood had been darkened; the truth of understanding had not yet really been accurate or correct.//revealed. But now our hearts have been opened up to something else. This is what Truth does to people,... and alot of people never get there. They thrive on in their own endeavors//ambitions, neglecting the Lord's insight. [(How are you running w/o a message to tell em? What will you say when you get there? Will you just make something up? That's what alot of people do)] Sometimes, we speak so highly, so loudly, so passionate; but we don't realize we're in our own thoughts and opinions...... AND SO WAS HITLER. We may be in error.
Next thought:
When God deals with your heart and gives you an understanding,... IF YOU RECEIVE IT, that day of your turn of heart lies your salvation.
This author found her day of salvation when she found her proper understanding. She left her love to be with Jesus because she found Hip-Hop did not love her, nor anyone. Read the article here:
It's a very Beautiful piece.
Themushblog saying--- Be peaceful. Let your heart catch a fire, and turn to the truth when it is revealed to you. When God gives you a new understanding, convert to it.

Why I left Hip Hop is this author's story of how she found a new understanding, things were revealed to her and her eyes were opened to something she once thought was true, now it was a lie. She accepted that new understanding and what had been revealed to her through her heart and God's searching it. This is the most important part, that she accepted it once it was revealed to her heart.
Paul said,
When I was a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.Paul said,
And now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
(Try this one: )There's a scripture that says,
Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise.(This just says that, the knowledge you think you may have, let it go, so that you may learn more knowledge, more wisdom.)
When we begin to understand different, we see clearly. Though it may not all be clear to us at that point, things are now so clear to our understanding. I can see clearly now, our eyes have been opened. And it's like..."why didn't I know that at first".
This is what a new understanding does for us. It is then that we realize that what we thought we understood had been darkened; the truth of understanding had not yet really been accurate or correct.//revealed. But now our hearts have been opened up to something else. This is what Truth does to people,... and alot of people never get there. They thrive on in their own endeavors//ambitions, neglecting the Lord's insight. [(How are you running w/o a message to tell em? What will you say when you get there? Will you just make something up? That's what alot of people do)] Sometimes, we speak so highly, so loudly, so passionate; but we don't realize we're in our own thoughts and opinions...... AND SO WAS HITLER. We may be in error.
Next thought:
When God deals with your heart and gives you an understanding,... IF YOU RECEIVE IT, that day of your turn of heart lies your salvation.
This author found her day of salvation when she found her proper understanding. She left her love to be with Jesus because she found Hip-Hop did not love her, nor anyone. Read the article here:
It's a very Beautiful piece.
Themushblog saying--- Be peaceful. Let your heart catch a fire, and turn to the truth when it is revealed to you. When God gives you a new understanding, convert to it.
Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against theeShare this.
Monday, November 11, 2013
This just in! Al Sharpton vs. Kanye West
Is it true? Is the Rev. Al Sharpton boycotting Kanye West?!?!
Say it aint so.
The Rev. Al Sharpton is apparently threatening to boycott Kanye due to his "stamping his "Yeezus" tour clothing with confederate flags and wearing them publicly". The Rev. quoted
"The Confederate flag symbolizes dehumanization, injustice and pain. It is a stark reminder of an era in our history that was defined by the abhorrent practice of slavery," "And it is representative of a mentality that looked upon blacks as inferiors who needed to remain in the shackles of subservience."Kanye's response was that he took the Confederate flag and made it his flag. He referenced his song "new slaves" and modern-day racism in a contemporary society. Kanye was quoted
"React how you want"..and... "any energy is good energy".Hmmmm..... Not so sure if Kanye speaks the truth right there. However, what are your views on this matter? Does Kanye have any good rationality behind what he is doing? I mean surely we must know that Kanye is a bit political in alot of his actions.... What are your thoughts?
I read it here:
and here:
What is the most beautiful song you have ever heard?...
I saw this question elsewhere and wanted to see what answers I would get from my community.
What is the Most Beautiful song you have ever heard?
Not necessarily your favorite but something you would want to leave this earth to if you had to.
What is the Most Beautiful song you have ever heard?
Not necessarily your favorite but something you would want to leave this earth to if you had to.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Quote of the day....
While I was musing the fire burned: then spake I with my tongue.From themushblog- Let you heart catch a fire, and speak.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
What are you.......(poem)
What are you..
You may not be fat, but you're stuck smoking
You may not be a smoker, but you're stuck in a bad relationship.
You may be free, but you're afraid to fly
You may not be on crack, but you can't look people in the eye
--what have you to hide? --
You may not play the piano, but you can sho' nuff play a string.
You're ugly as Skeletor, as evil as Evillene
You may not be a killer, but you're just outright mean.
You may not be a liar, but you have hate in your heart
You may not be a leader,
but you won't play Any part
Everybody here is 'something'.
Who am I to despise who you are
--Above MY OWN SELF. \
I have my own flaws.
I play the part of a critic of mine OWN SELF first.
As the good bible says, deal with your own beam 1st.
Understand, this is not about judging others,
As we must judge a righteous judgement. (John 7:24)
Just nudging a reminder, look at your own self first.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
I know how to be low, I know how to be high
The Mush
Plenty and hunger, abundance and need.”

[plenty vs. hunger] [abundance vs. need]
I Know how to be Brought Low, I Know how to Abound
The Overall point brought out about how sometimes when we're in a state of 'prosperity' we tend not to need the Lord as much, whereas our strugglings and sufferings sometimes keep us in the right mind set towards God, which is REALIZING THAT NEED TO TRUST IN THE LORD.....and even in all things whether prosperous or poor, maintaining that understanding.
On today, I accept it as it is. The bible says if my right hand offend me, cut it off. In other words, do what it takes to avoid slipping the wrong way. So here's the truth, we have a human nature that tends to soon forget how we needed the Lord before we were doing ok. On the flipside, we criticize those who only call on the Lord when they are in a bad state, like prison or the death bed. Both attitudes may be wrong. However, if it be that some will only trust God or need Him when in a bad state then that may be what it takes for those ones to succeed. [I would like to be better than that. Right now I'm only just searching and acknowledging what's real].
The most powerful statement the article quoted, "We tend to think that Satan is most dangerous when we are facing lack/need, but he is just as dangerous (if not more) when we face abundance/prosperity. Suffering tends to sharpen our spiritual senses, driving us to realize our need for God."
"I Know how to be Brought Low, I Know how to Abound"
I know how to be low, I know how to be high. whether well or suffering..... And still MAINTAIN my Faith and trust in God.
Point taken. You can read the article on the link below.
"The Dangers of Prosperity" BibleStudyTools.comSunday, November 3, 2013
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